Tuesday, May 23, 2006

it wouldn't be so funny if it wasn't true

A conservative and a liberal were dining together one evening at a nice restaurant. As the waiter was refilling their coffee cups, he accidentally spilled coffee on the table. The liberal immediately called for the creation of a Federal Bureau of Spilled Coffee to combat the root causes of spilled coffee. Liberal senators took to the airwaves denouncing Pres. Bush for his crimes against humanity. Surely this latest incident proved beyond any doubt that the president was indeed the Antichrist. The Sierra Club and other wacky, liberal environmental groups demonstrated in the streets, because everybody knows that the steam from hot coffee is a major cause of global warming. Cindy Sheehan took her tee-pee back to Crawford, Texas and, for 40 days and 40 nights, chanted, "Bush lied, Coffee dried". The always predictable mainstream media began probing into the private life of the conservative who had been dining with that liberal. What did he know, and when did he know it? The ACLU sued the conservative. Liberals in the Congress sponsored comprehensive spilled coffee legislation that, among other things, would provide $20 million per year for Multi-Cultural Spilled Coffee Programs in the public schools.

What did the conservative do? He asked for a towel and cleaned up the mess.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

the death of federalism

Let's continue with the differences between liberal and conservatives, or, as I stated it in the original post that broached this whole subject, the difference between cats and dogs. I have stated the belief that our American republic was founded on 16 basic principles that our Founding Fathers, and modern conservatives, thought were crucial to the survival of this great nation. Liberals, on the other hand, not only don't believe in those principles, they have declared war on those sacred principles. We continue with Principle 9: Our national government can only have those powers which are delegated to it by the Constitution. All other powers are reserved for the States and their respective citizens. That's called federalism.

Look at the Constitution, specifically the 10th Amendment, for proof that federalism is a basic principle of our American government. The 10th Amendment couldn't be more clear, could it? Yet that clear, concise statement has been all but ignored by liberals in both political parties at the federal level. The Founding Fathers wanted a national government that could safeguard national security, regulate interstate commerce, mediate disputes between the States, establish a uniform currency, and that's all. All other powers were reserved for the States. Ladies and gentlemen, that's not the kind of government we have today. Take a look.

Our 21st Century National Government regulates our schools and our health care system. The feds build housing for the poor and feed the hungry. They decide who you can and can't hire for your business, and what you can pay them. They decide who can and cannot be admitted into college. They regulate the time and manner in which we the people may pray, and they tell us who we may pray in the name of and who we may not pray in the name of. The national government determines what is considered human life, and therefore worthy of federal protection, and what is not considered human life. That which is not considered human life is deemed disposable by the national government.

The national government has devised a socialistic tax system which steals from the people who work the hardest to earn the most, and gives to those who earn the least. Consider these numbers: The top 1% of all wage earnes pay 34% of all income taxes. The top 25% of all wage earners pay 84% of all income taxes. The top 50% of all wage earners pay 96% of all income taxes! Is this capitalism or socialism?!

Today's national government regulates what you can and can't do with your personal property, and tells you who you can and can't sell it to. The national government even says that your property can be taken away from you if some level of government decides they need your property!

I have one very simple question for all of you Republican and Democrat liberals out there--Where is it written in that great Constitution of ours that the federal government can do any of the above? I'll answer my own question---IT DOESN'T!!!! The United States Constitution doesn't give the national government the power to do ANY of the things that I just outlined for you. Over the course of the last 150 years or so, the national government has greatly reduced our ability to have any control over government regulation of our lives, and they have eliminated, by way of an overly aggressive and confiscatory tax system, our ability to completely pursue happiness through the fruits of our labor. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE FOUNDING FATHERS HAD IN MIND! By the way, do you know how you can tell if you are a mindless liberal? Read all of the examples I cited above one more time. If you find yourself saying, "Yes, but, the federal government needs to do that because...", then you are indeed a mindless liberal.

That's all I have to say. I'll close with some appropriate quotes from our greatest presidents.

"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them."--Ronald Reagan

"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."--Ronald Reagan

"In all that people can do for themselves, the government ought not to interfere."--Abraham Lincoln

"Man is not free unless government is limited...as government expands, liberty contracts."--Ronald Reagan

"A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have."--Gerald Ford

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

pray without ceasing

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm scared. The world that my wife and I are raising our children in is so different from the world that I grew up in, and I'm scared. We had the Cold War to worry about back then (I was born in 1960) and Vietnam was on TV every night and there were riots in our cities, but it wasn't as frightening as the beginning of the 21st Century.

Millions of Islamofacists around the world want to kill us. They are arming themselves with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons capable of killing millions of innocent American men, women and children. The level of hatred these terrorists have for us and our way of life is beyond comprehension, but that hatred serves as fuel for the jihad being waged against us.

Millions of illegal immigrants pour across our unsecured borders every year. Many of these people are hard working, decent people who just want a better way of life for themselves and their families. Many others, however, come to harm America and our way of life. They come smuggling weapons and narcotics, which lead to millions of American casualties. They come to steal from our education system, our social welfare system, and our health care system. 25% of all inmates in our prison systems are illegal immigrants---the American way of life is in danger!

The governments of Central and South America are moving dangerously to the far left, and they don't like the United States. Many of these governments are establishing ties to Islamofacism, right here in our hemisphere. I AM SCARED!

Those of us who call ourselves Christians have to stand up and be counted, and we must do it today. We the people of these United States have abandoned our Christian heritage, we have turned our back on God, and we have become a sinful and wicked people. We must confess our sins to God and beg Him to forgive us. We must humbly ask Him to change our hearts and to draw us closer to Him. We must pray for wisdom and ask for God's divine guidance in every part of our lives. We must pray for our military and political leaders, and ask God to use them as instruments to carry out His perfect will. We must pray for our enemies, that their hatred would be replaced with love, and we must ask God to do the same with us. Most of all, we must pray that God would change our hearts, minds and souls so that we could truly and sincerely become "one nation under God". Please pray with me.

God, please forgive me. I have sinned so much and I'm ashamed. I haven't loved my friends and family as you have commanded, let alone my enemies. My life hasn't reflected your love and goodness, and I'm ashamed. Please forgive me. Change me, God, into a person who loves other people as much as I love myself. I love you, God, with my entire being! Please make me into a person who reflects that love.
Father, please give me wisdom so that I can be a better leader of my family. You have entrusted me with a beautiful, faithful wife and three wonderful children, and I thank you! Bless and protect my family and capture our hearts for You.
God, this country we live in has become so sinful! Please forgive us. Please God, open our eyes, our hearts and our minds so that we would have a reawakening in our country and turn back to You. Make us "one nation under God."
Please bless our military and political leaders. Give them strength, courage and wisdom so that Your will would be done through them.
Please, God, bless the words of this prayer so that others would read it, take it to heart, and give their lives to You. Let the light of Your love shine in the hearts of each and every person who reads this, and let that light be reflected so we might be a witness to others.
Thank you God, for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die and then to live again so that I can live forever with You. Thank you for Your grace, Your mercy, and Your love.
In Your Son Jesus' holy and precious name I pray---Amen.

Monday, May 08, 2006

religion, morality and knowledge

Let's get back to our discussion between the differences between liberals and conservatives, a topic we first started in the post "the difference between cats and dogs". The basic theme of these posts has been that there are 16 basic principles that our Founding Fathers used as the foundation for the American republic they built. Conservatives support and promote those principles, while liberals subvert, distort, and wage war against those same principles. We're up to Principles 7 and 8:
--- The republic will not survive without a religious and moral citizenry who in turn elect virtuous leaders.
--- Because religion, morality and knowledge are necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged.

I know what you're thinking. You believe that the Constitution mandates separation of church and state, that our Founding Fathers were deists and atheists who were totally apathetic concerning religion, and that our government must be "quarantined" lest it become infected with religious doctrine. False, false, and false! Here's your proof:

1. The Library of Congress states, "The country's first two presidents, George Washington and John Adams, were firm believers in the importance of religion for republican government." The Library of Congress also talks about how, during the Jefferson and Madison administrations, the "state became the church". Church services were regularly held in the House of Representatives, a practice which continued until after the Civil War, and the presidents regularly attended. Go to the Library of Congress website and look at their on-line exhibit called "Religion and the Founding of the American Republic." See for yourself.
2. John Adams said, "The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity...I will avow that I believed and now believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." Also, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
3. John Quincy Adams said, "Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the world, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day [the 4th of July]?" "Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer's mission upon earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?"
4. Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, said, "Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure...are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments."
5. George Washington said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible."
6. Principle 8, listed above, is a direct quote from the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, passed by the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation. Obviously it was the intent of our Founding Fathers that the tenants of Christianity be taught in the public schools. Why would they do that? Read the quotes I have provided up above and you will see.

Do liberals agree with the Founding Fathers? Absolutely not! Here's your proof:
1. A liberal federal judge ordered the Indiana State Legislature to cease offering prayers in the name of Jesus Christ at the beginning of legislative sessions.
2. The Supreme Court, under the leftist leadership of Earl Warren, banned prayer and Bible reading in the public schools.
3. Subsequent federal court decisions have outlawed nativity scenes on government property, the 10 Commandments in government buildings, and voluntary, student-led prayer at graduation ceremonies.

Why do liberal want to eradicate any trace of religion in the public forum? Very simply, liberals believe that government (under liberal control) shall be the source of of our liberty and freedom (or lack thereof) and that a belief in God-given liberty will interfere with that . Strong Christian conservatives will not worship at the altar of the "nanny-state", so Christianity must be outlawed. We the people cannot allow liberal secular humanism to replace the philosophy of our founders!

That's all, folks! We'll pick it up there next time.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

future of the gop

I want to take a brief break from the topic we've been discussing--America's founding principles and the disdain liberals have for those principles--in order to discuss the train wreck that used to be the GOP. The Republican Party, of which I am a proud member, has been hijacked by liberals and self-serving politicians interested in nothing but the preservation of their own power, no matter the cost. Those of us who call ourselves Reagan Conservatives have absolutely been betrayed. El presidente Jorge Bush and his gang of bandidos are attempting to sell our national sovereignty to Mexico and our national security to foreign governments that support terrorism. The Republican Congress has increased our national debt to stratospheric proportions, and they've added so much pork to the budget we could have a hog roast for the entire Middle East. Gas prices are out of this world due to insane government regulations and excessive taxation inflicted upon the oil companies. If they don't check themselves, and quickly, the Republicans are headed for catastrophy in the 2006 and 2008 elections. Get used to saying Madame Speaker Pelosi and President Clinton!

What can the Republicans do to stop the madness, to halt the implosion, and to derail liberal momentum? I'm glad you asked. Here's my list:

1. IMMEDIATELY repeal all federal taxes on oil to give the consumer instant relief at the pump. At the same time, educate the public that just a little bit of effort in the area of conservation would have a positive, noticable effect at the pump.
2. IMMEDIATELY pass legislation to allow drilling in the 48 States, off our coast lines, and in ANWR.
3. IMMEDIATELY seal the entire Mexican border, using the military and the National Guard. At the same time, begin construction of a permanent fence/wall along the entire border.
4. Pass legislation that would impose a $1 million fine on any business employing illegal immigrants.
5. Issue a directive to all State and local governments that any and all illegal immigrants picked up by local law enforcement for any reason will be immediately deported. Also deport all illegals currently residing in our prison system.
6. Abolish the IRS, repeal the federal income tax, and pass a national sales tax--the so-called "fair tax".

What would be the results? Increased national security, reduced dependance on foreign oil, major tax relief, unprecedented growth in our economy, and landslide victories for the Republicans. But what do I know? I'm just a dopey conservative!