Wednesday, May 03, 2006

future of the gop

I want to take a brief break from the topic we've been discussing--America's founding principles and the disdain liberals have for those principles--in order to discuss the train wreck that used to be the GOP. The Republican Party, of which I am a proud member, has been hijacked by liberals and self-serving politicians interested in nothing but the preservation of their own power, no matter the cost. Those of us who call ourselves Reagan Conservatives have absolutely been betrayed. El presidente Jorge Bush and his gang of bandidos are attempting to sell our national sovereignty to Mexico and our national security to foreign governments that support terrorism. The Republican Congress has increased our national debt to stratospheric proportions, and they've added so much pork to the budget we could have a hog roast for the entire Middle East. Gas prices are out of this world due to insane government regulations and excessive taxation inflicted upon the oil companies. If they don't check themselves, and quickly, the Republicans are headed for catastrophy in the 2006 and 2008 elections. Get used to saying Madame Speaker Pelosi and President Clinton!

What can the Republicans do to stop the madness, to halt the implosion, and to derail liberal momentum? I'm glad you asked. Here's my list:

1. IMMEDIATELY repeal all federal taxes on oil to give the consumer instant relief at the pump. At the same time, educate the public that just a little bit of effort in the area of conservation would have a positive, noticable effect at the pump.
2. IMMEDIATELY pass legislation to allow drilling in the 48 States, off our coast lines, and in ANWR.
3. IMMEDIATELY seal the entire Mexican border, using the military and the National Guard. At the same time, begin construction of a permanent fence/wall along the entire border.
4. Pass legislation that would impose a $1 million fine on any business employing illegal immigrants.
5. Issue a directive to all State and local governments that any and all illegal immigrants picked up by local law enforcement for any reason will be immediately deported. Also deport all illegals currently residing in our prison system.
6. Abolish the IRS, repeal the federal income tax, and pass a national sales tax--the so-called "fair tax".

What would be the results? Increased national security, reduced dependance on foreign oil, major tax relief, unprecedented growth in our economy, and landslide victories for the Republicans. But what do I know? I'm just a dopey conservative!


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