we hold these truths to be self evident
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."---The Declaration of Independence
If you read my last post, you saw that I outlined the 16 basic principles that form the foundation of our American republic. These 16 principles were the ideals that our Founding Fathers believed so strongly in, that they wove them into the very fabric of the government they created. I also made the rather outrageous statement that the difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives believe in and promote these principles. Liberals disagree with each and every one of these principles and will use any means necessary to destroy those principles. Pretty harsh, isn't it? I intend to back that up with facts, logic and reason so that there can be no doubt that I am right.
Let's get one thing straight right away. This is not a Republican/Democrat issue. It's true that the Democrat party has been hijacked by the lunatic fringe of the liberal movement, but there are still a few Democrats who have maintained their sanity (Zell Miller, for example). It is also true that the Republican party has more than a few liberals (John McCain, Arlen Specter, Mitt Romney, and a host of others) who have succummed to the madness and are now no different from yo-yos like Hillary Clinton, Ted "Swim Coach" Kennedy, or John Kerry. What you must understand is that liberalism is dangerous and contagious where ever it is found.
Go back to the list in the previous post ("the difference between cats and dogs") and look at the first four principles. They are all found in the words of the Declaration of Independence quoted above. Let's look at the first one.
Our Founding Fathers believed that God created all men equal--equal in His eyes and equal under the law. That's why a conservative Republican president freed the slaves. That's why a conservative Republican president (Eisenhower) sent federal troops into Little Rock to enforce desegregation. That's why more than 80% of conservative GOP Congressmen voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, compared to 63% of liberal Democrats. Former KKK member and current liberal Senator Robert Byrd filibustered for 14 hours against that bill! Conservatives believe in the American Dream--that anyone who works hard and perserveres can enjoy success in this great country if government will stay out of the way. Liberals don't believe that. Liberals believe that most Americans are too dumb, or too victimized, or too helpless to succeed without the help of some government entitlement program. How else do you explain affirmative action, or welfare, or lowered admissions standards to college for some minorities, or federally mandated quotas? Liberals say they believe in equality, but clearly they believe that some are more equal than others!
There is another component to that first principle: God created all men equal. Modern liberalism has become so tangled up in secular humanism that most liberals have no use for God. Liberals want all mention of God in the public square to be censored. Liberal federal judges forbid State legislators from praying in the name of Jesus. Liberal politicians threaten to revoke the tax-exempt status of churches if they get involved in conservative politics. By the way, when have you ever seen a church threatened with taxation because they participated in an anti-death penalty rally or in a pro-illegal immigration rally? Just let a church endorse a conservative politician, however, and the Liberal Dragon breathes fire, snorts thunder and moves to crush that church. Clearly, modern liberalism is offended by all things Christian, and they have no use whatsoever for equality.
More will come later. Have a good week!
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