Wednesday, May 10, 2006

pray without ceasing

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm scared. The world that my wife and I are raising our children in is so different from the world that I grew up in, and I'm scared. We had the Cold War to worry about back then (I was born in 1960) and Vietnam was on TV every night and there were riots in our cities, but it wasn't as frightening as the beginning of the 21st Century.

Millions of Islamofacists around the world want to kill us. They are arming themselves with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons capable of killing millions of innocent American men, women and children. The level of hatred these terrorists have for us and our way of life is beyond comprehension, but that hatred serves as fuel for the jihad being waged against us.

Millions of illegal immigrants pour across our unsecured borders every year. Many of these people are hard working, decent people who just want a better way of life for themselves and their families. Many others, however, come to harm America and our way of life. They come smuggling weapons and narcotics, which lead to millions of American casualties. They come to steal from our education system, our social welfare system, and our health care system. 25% of all inmates in our prison systems are illegal immigrants---the American way of life is in danger!

The governments of Central and South America are moving dangerously to the far left, and they don't like the United States. Many of these governments are establishing ties to Islamofacism, right here in our hemisphere. I AM SCARED!

Those of us who call ourselves Christians have to stand up and be counted, and we must do it today. We the people of these United States have abandoned our Christian heritage, we have turned our back on God, and we have become a sinful and wicked people. We must confess our sins to God and beg Him to forgive us. We must humbly ask Him to change our hearts and to draw us closer to Him. We must pray for wisdom and ask for God's divine guidance in every part of our lives. We must pray for our military and political leaders, and ask God to use them as instruments to carry out His perfect will. We must pray for our enemies, that their hatred would be replaced with love, and we must ask God to do the same with us. Most of all, we must pray that God would change our hearts, minds and souls so that we could truly and sincerely become "one nation under God". Please pray with me.

God, please forgive me. I have sinned so much and I'm ashamed. I haven't loved my friends and family as you have commanded, let alone my enemies. My life hasn't reflected your love and goodness, and I'm ashamed. Please forgive me. Change me, God, into a person who loves other people as much as I love myself. I love you, God, with my entire being! Please make me into a person who reflects that love.
Father, please give me wisdom so that I can be a better leader of my family. You have entrusted me with a beautiful, faithful wife and three wonderful children, and I thank you! Bless and protect my family and capture our hearts for You.
God, this country we live in has become so sinful! Please forgive us. Please God, open our eyes, our hearts and our minds so that we would have a reawakening in our country and turn back to You. Make us "one nation under God."
Please bless our military and political leaders. Give them strength, courage and wisdom so that Your will would be done through them.
Please, God, bless the words of this prayer so that others would read it, take it to heart, and give their lives to You. Let the light of Your love shine in the hearts of each and every person who reads this, and let that light be reflected so we might be a witness to others.
Thank you God, for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die and then to live again so that I can live forever with You. Thank you for Your grace, Your mercy, and Your love.
In Your Son Jesus' holy and precious name I pray---Amen.


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