our unalienable rights in a written constitution
We have been talking about the 16 basic principles that our American republic was founded on (see the post "the difference between dogs and cats" for the complete list) and how liberals don't seem to agree with any of those principles. My last post discussed the first of those principles--all men are created equal by God. That's found in the Declaration of Independence. Principles 2-4 are found in the Declaration as well:
1. All men are endowed by God with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. (the latter two of those were understood by the Founding Fathers to be intertwined--that's why I wrote it that way)
2. In order to secure those rights, men institute government, which derives its powers from the people (popular sovereignty).
3. When any government becomes destructive of those rights, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish that government and create a new government which will secure those rights.
Let's look at those principles as a group and I'll show you proof positive that each and every word contained therein directly contradicts modern liberal dogma.
Liberals believe in the unlimited, unchecked, unfettered right to kill unborn babies. They call that "choice". Roe vs Wade was an example of 9 unelected men in Washington creating a brand new "right" not found in the Constitution and ramming it down our throats. When our elected representatives, following the will of the people, have attempted to correct the injustice of that decision, liberals scream that conservatives are trying to impose our religious beliefs on others. Did Thomas Jefferson mean that God gave everybody but unborn babies the right to life? Did he mean that only liberals have the right to alter our government? Did he mean that only the executive and legislative branches are subject to the will of the people, but that the judicial branch is the liberal "trump card" that overrules popular sovereignty?
Liberals believe in a supposed "constitutional right" for gays to marry, even though that's not in the Constitution. Every single time gay marriage has been put to a vote, even in liberal states, the people overwhelmingly vote against it. So liberals have done what they always do--they get unelected judges to overrule the will of the people and impose the "right" to gay marriage by judicial fiat.
The liberal faction of the Supreme Court ruled that government has the unlimited ability to seize your personal property and use it for whatever they want. How can we pursue the American Dream--happiness--by working hard to earn a little piece of the landscape, when government can just come in and take it away from us? Liberals say that government knows best and to just shut our conservative mouths.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has issued more wacky liberal decisions, and been overturned more times, than any court in the country. They have ruled that it is legal to for U.S. citizens to financially support terrorist organizations and that the words "one nation under God" in our Pledge are unconstitutional. They have ruled that abortion and assisted suicide are absolute, fundamental rights. They ruled that Arizona's English-only law violated the 1st Amendment. They ruled that the use of police dogs to sniff out drugs or find criminals violated the 4th Amendment. They ruled that an armed bank robber couldn't be convicted of armed robbery because he "inadvertently" showed the gun. They have ruled that the government has the right to tell landowners what they can and cannot do with their private property. When conservatives proposed in 2005 to break up that judicial insane asylum (alter the government), liberals protested that the Constitution was under attack.
Do you see how this works? Liberals believe that our right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness can be altered or abolished by government, that "we the people" get our rights from the government, and that "they the liberals" are entitled to impose their worldview on us! How do they justify their abhorrent philosophy in light of what is written in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (look at Principle 5--our rights are best protected by a written constitution)? Very simply, they believe in a living, breathing Constitution, not a written Constitution. This is code for "The Constitution means what we liberals say it means!"
By the way, if you look at Principle 6--the Constitution guarantees a republican form of government (Article IV, Sec. 4)--and compare it with what we have talked about in this post, you will quickly understand that there is nothing about republicanism that liberals like. Liberals can't win at the ballot box with their nutty, perverse ideas. They can only achieve success when unelected judges implement their agenda.
Well, that's enough of a rant for today. I'll have more next time.